There are only three things you need at every party: interesting people, good food and a great attitude. If you have those three, everything else will either fall into place or not seem like such a big deal if it goes all wrong.
That said, there are certain decoration guidelines to keep in mind. If you're serving food that requires a fork and knife, be sure you have enough tables and chairs so guests don't have to juggle their glass, silverware, napkin and plate. If you want guests to mill around, push tables against the wall or remove extraneous furniture to encourage mingling and spontaneous dancing.
As for the specific decorations, that all depends on your budget, taste and the type of party you're throwing (see party themes below for inspiration). Also key: clean towels in the bathroom, piles of napkins near the food and drink areas, and lots of candles for flirt-friendly lighting and ambience. Oh and you can never have to much Ice. Don’t bring your party guests back to college with the, “here’s your plastic cup, write your name on it, and oh if you want Ice we are out….Sorry.”
The key to being a great party planner is to know your audience. You know not to invite non-drinkers to a beer bash or vegans to an all-meat BBQ, but you’ll also want to find out if your guests have other dietary restrictions, food allergies and preferences for a smoking or non-smoking atmosphere.
The same goes for the style of party you throw. Some people may not initially be comfortable at a formal dinner, while others may feel out of their element at an informal get-together. Also, if you plan a party with a dish or theme that people might not be familiar with (an oyster-shucking party or murder mystery dinner, for example), some guests may need some guidance. If you sense that a guest is ill at ease, find out what’s wrong or steer them to a group of outgoing guests who can show them the ropes.
So Here’s are some Idea’s for a what I feel is a great theme for a party
Karaoke Fun (Ummm enough said, who doesn’t like to watch there friends make fools of themselves)
Casino Night
60’s, 70’s, 80’s or 90,s themed party
Martini Night
Movie or TV Re-run night
Game Night
Breakfast Food and PJ party
Pool, Pizza and a Movie
4th of July
Mardi Gras
Gosh there are so many to choose from!